Retail Brand Site Refresh
Art Direction | Design
Directed the UI/UX Design and Web Development for the first phase of a full website refresh for Things Remembered. The goal was to provide a much smoother, streamlined customer experience and a more cohesive design. Phase 1 focused on developing multi-functional widgets for the homepage, data-driven improvements to the menu and navigation bar, a redesigned PDP page, and category pages.
Below are select examples of web design I have worked on or provided direction for.
Web Design Samples
Art Direction | Design
Websites I provided art direction and designed the widgets for. Designs were created across Desktop and Mobile. Examples showcase Desktop.
B2B Web Site Design
Art Direction | Design
A B2B-Themed microsite was requested to support the sales team allowing them to quickly share business-focused and third-party vendor products with their clients. I designed the initial launch of the site including a revised logo, updated menu, and fresh layout using B2B branding.